Wednesday, May 20, 2009

assignment 5C


MOOLAA stands for the Musuem of Latin American Art. MOOLA is located in Long Beach, California founded in November 1996 by Dr. Robert Gumbier. It is the only musuem in the western United States that exclusively features contemporary Latin American art. The mission of MOOLAA is to educated the public about contemporary Latin American fine art through the presentation of collections, exhibitions, culture, and educational programs.

My research of the Freire, colonial era and indepedence era of Latin America, The Virgin of Guadualupe, and La Manlinche has help understand the artwork at MOOLA more clearly now because I now get a feel and can connect with the message the artist is trying to send through their work. Like the saying goes a pictures speaks a thousand words and with the artwork found at MOOLA that stetement is very true. Every detail in their artwork from shapes, colors, and images have some type of significant meaning or representation. Also in the artwork after doing the research you see where some of the work is inspired from in their past history.

The photo I choose was by Brooke Alfaro called The Body. A link to the picture is provided here This photo provides insight to how women are forced to be with these rich and powerful men. In my research I came across many times women who where forced to be with older men because they were poor and wanted a better living. Some of the women had no choice.

Observation: In this photo I see a large man which to me represents someone who is a leader rich and his young girlfriend. In most Latin American countries people of power or wealth have beautiful young women as their wife or girlfriend.

Intepretaion: This photo represents how beautiful young woman are forced to be with older powerful and rich men against their own free will.

Judgement: I choose this artwork because I felt it showed clearly how women in Latin America were oppressed by these weatlhy and powerful men. I feel this way because the picture shows a very large man sleeping and woman with a sad look on her face sitting on her knee. She actually looks like she does not want to be there.

Questioning: Brooke Alfaro's The Body shows how women are forced against their will by these disgusting men who thave power and wealth that think they can just do whatever they want. I wonder why people are like that to where they can just force someone against there own free will. What is their thought process?

Assignment 5B


The image I came across was an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A link to the image is This is the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I found this image while searching for information on Our Lady of Guadalupe for assignment 5a. This image has to do with humanties because people all over Latin America are fatihfully devoted to her. She is a cultural icon.
The image is a Aztec pictograph. The Lady stood in front of the sun which meant she was greater than the Aztec sun-god of war. Her foot rested on the crescent moon which the aztecs took as her crushing the featherd serpent moon-god. She was a queen because the blue green colors where colors of royalty. Her God was Jesus Christ because of the black cross on the brooch at her neck. She was also the mother of God because the flower petals on her womb symbolized life. Our Lady of Guadalupe was also seen as the Queen of Earth because she wore a contour map of Mexico that was rose colored. The garment she wore told the Indians where the apparition took place.
This artwork to me is a symbol of not just for Mexico but Latin America because so many people in Latin America are devoted to her. I choose this artwork because it is truly an amazing pictograph which wasn't drawn or painted but mysteriously appeared on the cloak of Saint Juan Diego. One thing I would like to know is how exactly her image appeared on his cloak without someone painting or drawing . This is just one of many Catholic mysteries.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Assignment 5A

 Haiti was the first Carribean nation to gain independence from the European powers in 1971. The Hatian Revolution under the leadership of Toussaint l'Ouverture established Haiti as a free republic by 1804. In 1844 the Dominican Republic declared independence from Haiti. Some of the other Carribean nations gained independence from Europe in the nineteenth century and some smaller states are still dependencies of Europe today. Between 1958 adn 1962 British controlled Carribean became the West Indies Federation before they seperated into many smaller nations.

4. I choose the topic of the Virgin of Guadalupe because I am fasicanted by any subject that is on religon.

5. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is often seen as a coded image. At times her image is described as teh Woman of the Apocalypse because her image shows she is arrayed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. Others say her images represents the Immaculate Conception. There are many interpretations to her image. The blue green mantle is said to be the color once resereved for the divine couple Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, her belt is intepreted as a sign of pregnancy, and the cross shapred image symbolizes the cosmos.

The Virgin of Guadalupe is a Symbol of Mexico. She has been a symbol of Mexico since Mexico's War of Independence. Her first major nationalistic symbol came in the writing of Miguel Sanchez the author of the first Spanish apparition account identified Guadalupe as the Woman of the Apocalypse and stated "this New World has been won and conquered by the hand of the Virgin Mary...[who had] prepared, disposed, and contrived her exquisite likeness in this her Mexican land, which was conquered for such a glorious purpose, won that there should appear so Mexican an image". Guadalupe's feast day which is December 12 was inscribed into the Chilpancingo constitution and was made the seal of the Congress of Chilpancingo by a priest named Jose Morelos who took over the revolution when Miguel Hidalgo died.

The Virgin of Guadalupe is the patron of Spain. On May 25, 1754 Pope Benedict XIV declared her as the patron of Spain. In 1910 Pope Saint Pius X proclaimed her patron of Latin America and later in 1935 by Pope Pius XI she was proclaimed principal patron of the Philippines. All cross Latin America and even in the Philippines you can find people that are deeply devoted to the Virgin of Guadalupe. On July 31 2002 she was named patron of Americas by Pope John Paul II.

6. The sources used are wikipedia and google. These sources are credible because a lot of students use these sites for research. Also wikipedia has a lot of facts which could be verified through google search.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Assignemt 4C

While researching the word "culture" I came up with a few definitions:

*Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.
*Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.
*Culture is communication, communication is culture.
*Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a person's learned, accumulated experience which is socially transmitted, or more briefly, behavior through social learning.
*A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
*Culture is symbolic communication. Some of its symbols include a group's skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, and motives. The meanings of the symbols are learned and deliberately perpetuated in a society through its institutions.
*Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other hand, as conditioning influences upon further action.
*Culture is the sum of total of the learned behavior of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation.
*Culture is a collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another.

I gathered my resources from and

I believe that the world culture ties into everything that we have learned. Learning about Paulo Friere as well as all arts and cultures about Latin America and learning the differentiations between the incas, myas, and aztecs all have to do with culture, we learned about their lifestyles, their artwork, their beliefs, which all ties into culture.

Project 3A Adam J Chaffee:
Adam did a great job i learned alot about the myans especially that Mayans had a very advanced hieroglyphic writing system similar to the Egyptians. Many of the recovered texts have been unreadable, but today most of the remaining writings have been translated. Not all the Mayan people were literate, and many artifacts have been discovered that are almost written in complete gibberish. The Mayan written language is the only known language shared by a community in the pre Columbian period

Project 4A Brittany Hardison:
Brittany did a really wonderful job on this assigment she did the same artwork i did which is La Malinche. We both thought it was interesting to learn about a female role model although we learned the same things, she made a good point that i didnt get a chance to read therefore i learned that The house that La Malinche lived in over 500 years ago still stands in the neighborhood of Coyoacan. The house is presently occupied by a couple who are both prominent artists and they use the house as their studio. The couple would like to turn the house into a museum in an effort to conserve Mexican history. This may not be possible because of the resentment still felt towards La Malinche by the people of Mexico.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

assignment 4B


This photo is of Cortes and La Malinche. The link to the photo is

The photo shows Cortes and La Malinche negiotating with the Aztecs. It is a known fact that La Malinche was an interpretor for Cortes during his talks with the Aztecs. The artwork depicts La Malinche intepretaing for Cortes. Also in the photo it seems the artist included the child of Cortes and La Malinche who is considered the first Mexican beause of his Spanish and Indian mixed blood. La Malinche was not only Cortes intepretor but also his mistress. The artist does not use much color which to me represents the New World that Cortes wanted to conquer and develop. I choose this artwork because I feel it provides a good depiction of how important La Malinche was to Cortes during his conquest. If you read enough about La Malinche this is the perfect picture that would come to mind to what La Malinche was all about. One thing about this artwork I'm curious about is what the animals are suppose to represent. In doing my research on La Malinche not one time did I come across anything significant about those animals.

The questions I have for this artwork, is what do the animals represent as well as how did the artist decide to choose the more earthy tones over the more colorful tones.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Assignment 4A

The Colonial period of Latin America was from 1492-1810. It was considered as being the era that did the most to shape out Latin America today. During that era the native population was wiped out. The natives where wiped out by a combination of the Spanish conquistadors and natural dieases, but mostly from new diseases to which their natural defenses could not defend against. Under the Spanish rule native religion and culture was banned.The Spanish system granted encomiendas which allowed certain tracts of land and everyone on it to be exploitated. Basically the locals on the land became slaves to the Spanish. Most of the power structures in Latin America were destroyed when the Spanish took over. The Spanish take over basically re wrote Latin America's history since they destroyed and exploited most of the natives and their culture.

I choose the topic of La Malinche beacause after watching the videos on youtube and reading about her on I found that she was an unsung hero of Mexico who is at times downplayed by the Mexican male historians. She was very interesting and I wanted to learn more about her.

La Malinche's real name is Dona Marina. She was named La Malinche by the Indians due her being the voice of New Spain conquerer Hernando Cortes. Cortes was always called Malinche which means Captain and since Marina had a close relationship to Cortes she was called La Malinche which stood for Captain's Woman. Anytime she spoke the Indians would recongize her as words coming from the Captain himself.

La Malinches has had injustice done to her because historians do not credit her for saving the lives of thousands of Indians by enabling Cortes to negotiate and not go to major war with all who opposed him. The fact she was able to get Cortes to negoitate rather than go to war was evidence enough Cortes was not out to destroy the Aztecs. The discredit and belittelement of La Malinche in Mexico history comes from mostly male historians.

To Hernando Cortes La Malinche was his interpreter,confidant, and mistress. It was said she and Cortes had a child together. Their child's name was Matin Cortes and he was the first Mexican, a mixture of Spanish and Indian blood. La Malinche role as an intepreter was an important role because it allowed Cortes to coomunicate with the Aztecs during his conquest. That also allowed for negiotations between Cortes and the Aztecs.

Two sources of my work is from youtube and also These two sources are credible because the information is based of actual facts from authors who were supposedly eye-wtinesses to La Malinche.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

assignment 3C

Matthew McDonald Summarizes the wonderful achievement Freire made by teaching humble but hard working people how to read. He gave these people the opportunity to speak up by voting. He talks about the fact that Freire taught 300 people how to read and write and touched on how important it is to be able to be literate. He mentions a few key abilities that come from being literate, such as, voting.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Assignment 3B Xochiquetzal Aztec Idol

Viewable at:

In Aztec mythology, Xochiquetzal (IPA: [ʃotʃi'ketsal]) was a goddess associated with concepts of fertility and female sexual power, serving as a protector of young mothers and a patroness of pregnancy, childbirth, and the crafts practised by women such as weaving and embroidery. Unlike several other figures in the complex of Aztec female earth deities connected with agricultural and sexual fecundity, Xochiquetzal is always depicted as an alluring and youthful woman, richly attired and symbolically associated with vegetation and in particular flowers. By connotation, Xochiquetzal is also representative of human desire, pleasure, and excess, appearing also as patroness of prostitutes and artisans involved in the manufacture of luxury items. She was followed by a retinue consisting of birds and butterflies. Worshippers wore animal and flower masks at a festival, held in her honor every eight years. Her twin was Xochipilli and her husband was Tlaloc, until Tezcatlipoca kidnapped her and she was forced to marry him. At one point, she was also married to Centeotl and Ixotecuhtli. By Mixcoatl, she was the mother of Quetzalcoatl.

Observation: i think this statue is made of sand and rocks, it looks like its carved and hand made, it is suppose to resemble the the god idol, it has a distinct look to it, not very pretty peaceful looking and does not seem like anything of beauty but what i think that looks beautiful is the hand made artwork it looks like its not simple to crave a sculpture of something as hard as a rock. 

Interpretation: "goddess of fertility and female sexual power"
the idol goddess is about female sexual power and a fertility goddess she helps birth of children and protects women.

Judgement:  I'm very big on female empowerment this artwork stood out to me because she is the goddess of fertility that is beautiful i really like learning about different idol statue because each one of them has a specific purpose and a story and thats something that i would like to learn more about. 

Questioning: i would like to learn more about the idol statues and what each one is significant how long it took for them to do carve the artwork and why do they have the features they do. 

Monday, March 16, 2009


Pre-columbian:  The pre-Columbian era incorporates all period subdivisions in the history and prehistory of the Americas before the appearance of significant European influences on the American continents. While technically referring to the era before Christopher Columbus, in practice the term usually includes the history of American indigenous cultures as they continued to develop beyond the first Columbian landing in 1492, until they were conquered or significantly influenced by the Europeans' presence, even if this happened decades or even centuries after the initial landing. 

I chose to learn more about the aztecs because I've always been interested in their background and their beliefs, their culture is interesting to me, and they have such abstract and unique artwork, I've always heard some crazy stories about them but I want to look for myself if it is true. 

1) the aztecs would bury their dead family members that passed away under their own house

2) Blood was considered the "precious water" that god needed to be fed. they believed that the gods killed themselves and washed their blood on earth and offered their hards to the sun. This was the reason why the aztecs sacrificed often.

3) When Aztec warriors run out of food they eat their dead enemies, but an aztec warrior would never eat a dead conrad but a dead enemy was okay. 

resources used:

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Amanda Rossi Questions for MoLAA

Who is the founder of the MoLAA? (
Answer: 628 Alamitos Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802

Where is the MoLAA located? (
Dr. Robert Gumbiner in November 1996

What is the MoLAA? ( first video)
mission is to educate the public about contemporary Latin American fine art (by artists who have lived and worked in Latin America since WWII) through the presentation of a significant permanent collection, dynamic exhibitions and related cultural and educational programs.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Assingment 2B

What does MoLAA stand for?:
It stands for the Museum of Latin American Art

Explain what you see on the video clips:
i saw very distinctive sculptures that happen to me women and men of latin america, all the art looks very happy and there is nothing sad or gruesome about it, the women shown to be larger but their faces are very beautiful, these paintings and sculptures are very interesting and unique they keep you guessing on what the artist is trying to grasp in their work, its very abstract and unique

What did you learn from the video clips (3 facts)
* most of the paintings are very close to what happens in war and the history of latin america
*MoLAA presented a Latin American fashion show as a fund raiser for the museum
*MoLAA has over 800 pieces of art that are rotated with new collections every 6 months

Create 3 questions for your classmates based on the clips or websites

1) where is MoLAA located?

2) Who founded MoLAA?

3) What center was inaugurated as a venue to host public and private events and for the display of outdoor sculpture represented in the MOLAA Permanent Collection

List any 3 things you learned from the MoLAA website (be specific; give concrete answers for which your classmates can follow-up in upcoming assignments)

1)MOLAA's mission is to educate the public about contemporary Latin American fine art (by artists who have lived and worked in Latin America since WWII) through the presentation of a significant permanent collection, dynamic exhibitions and related cultural and educational programs.

2) Between 1913 and 1918 the site that the museum now occupies was the home of Balboa Amusement Producing Company, then the world’s most productive and innovative silent film studio

3)The Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) in Long Beach, California was founded by Dr. Robert Gumbiner in November 1996. It is the only museum in the western United States that exclusively features contemporary Latin American art.

Assignment 2A

Source (
"Interdisciplinary studies" is an academic program or process seeking to synthesize broad perpectives, knowledge, skills, interconnections, and epistemology in an educational setting. Interdisciplinary programs may be founded in order to facilitate the study of subjects which have some coherence, but which cannot be adequately understood from a single disciplinary perspective (for example, women's studies or medivel studies). More rarely, and at a more advanced level, interdisciplinarity may itself become the focus of study, in a critique of institutionalized disciplines' ways of segmenting knowledge.

Although no formal definition of interdisciplinary study has been widely accepted, if it is anything at all, it is a counter to the current fragmentation of knowledge that prevails in virtually all levels of our society today. Unlike the systems analysis approach of a team of experts, interdisciplinary study is an attempt to broaden the perspective of the individual scientist, researcher, educator, engineer, or social worker. Kleig (1990) gives four ways of defining interdisciplinarity: (1) by example, to describe the forms that it can take, (2) by motivation, to explain why it occurs, (3) by principles of interaction, to demonstrate the process of how various disciplines can interact, and (4) by terminological hierarchy, to use labels to distinguish various levels of integration. She acknowledges that these are all legitimate strategies.
According to Kleig (1990), interdisciplinarity implies an integration that can change or enrich each discipline. When disciplines are simply brought together in an additive fashion without integration or enrichment, it is called multidisciplinarity. She lists four kinds of interaction that can occur in the interdisciplinary process: (1) borrowing, (2) solving problems, (3) increased consistency of subjects or methods, and (4) the emergence of a new interdiscipline. At least one of these should be present.


In most common contemporary usage, Latin America refers only to those territories in the Americas where the Spanish or Portuguese languages prevail: Mexico, most of Central and South America, plus Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean

Latin America the Spanish-speaking, Portuguese-speaking, and French-speaking countries (except Canada) of North America, South America, Central America, and the West Indies. The 20 republics are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The term Latin America is also used to include Puerto Rico, the French West Indies, and other islands of the West Indies where a Romance tongue is spoken. Occasionally the term is used to include Belize, Guyana, French Guiana, and Suriname

C) Countries that make up "Latin America"
Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil,Caribbean, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falklands, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guiana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Georgia, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela

D) Countries that make up the "Carribean"

1. Anguilla

2. Antigua and Barbuda

3. Aruba

4. Bahamas

5. Barbados

6. British Virgin Islands

7. Cayman Islands

8. Cuba

9. Dominica

10. Dominican Republic

11. Grenada

12. Guadeloupe

13. Haiti

14. Jamaica

15. Martinique

16. Montserrat

17. Netherlands Antilles

18. Puerto Rico

19. Saint Kitts and Nevis

20. Saint Lucia

21. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

22. Trinidad and Tobago

23. Turks and Caicos Islands

24. U. S. Virgin Islands

E) Cool facts that I learned about the Carribean and Latin America:
i learned that for the most part when the europeans took over, they brought over small pox and measels and wiped out a large proportion of the indigenous population, with epidemics of diseases reducing them sharply from their prior populations. Historians cannot determine the number of natives who died due to European diseases, but some put the figures as high as 85% and as low as 20%. i also learned that Latin is one of the most romantic languages in the history of our world.


D) Choose any two classmates and tell us what you have in common with that classmate:
Brittany hardison: we both work full time and take online classes

Marjorie V Crowder: we both are planning on going to sonoma state as well as majoring in accounting.

Assignment 1C

Brittany Hardison:
she currently works full time and takes classes online full time as well, she is taking her general education and hopes to become a registered nurse, she resides in pacifica, CA

What i learned from Brittany about Paulo Freire:
1)Although he was born into a middle class family his family was deeply impacted during the Great Depression. There were times during his childhood when his family would go hungry because there was not enough food.
2)In 1988 he was appointed the Minister of Education for the city of Sao Paulo which enable him reach and help many people.

Amanda Rossi:
she is currently a proud parent of a little girl name London, and she recently seperated from the military and is taking classes at Santa Rosa Junior College

What i learned from Amanda about Paulo Freire:
1)After college he married a woman by the name of Elza Maia Costa De Oliveira and had 5 children
2) He past away of heart failure May 2, 1997.

Saturday, February 21, 2009



Paulo Freire Biography: he was born on September 19, 1921 to middle class parents in Recife, Brazil, Freire became familiar with proverty and hunger during the 1929 Great Depression. During this it shaped his views and concerns to the poor and would help to construct his particular educational viewpoint. Freire studied philosophy and language psychology at the University of Recife in 1943, he practiced law but he ended up being a school teacher teaching portuguese he married a fellow teacher Elza Maia de Oliveira and had 5 children. 

Pedagogy of the Oppressed: this was the first published book for Paulo Freire, it was first published in portuguese as Pedagogia do oprimido in 1968 but the first published book in english was in 1970, the book analyzes the struggle for justice and equity within the educational system and purpose an new pedagogy. While he talked about his personal experiences he talked also dedicated it "to the oppressed, and to those who suffer with them and fight at their side" Freire includes a detail Marxist class analysis in his exploration of the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized. One of his main influences of his work is Franz Fanon.

Paulo Freire Educational Theory:
1) Theory of Value:
Education should raise the awareness of the students so that they become subjects, rather than objects, of the world. This is done by teaching students to think democratically and to continually question and make meaning from (critically view) everything they learn.
2) Theory of Knowledge:
Knowledge is a social construct.
3)Theory of Human Nature:
The elite naturally believe that they are better and anything else is naturally inferior.
4)Theory of Learning:
 Freire talks about the fallacy of looking at the education system like a bank, a large repository where students come to withdraw the knowledge they need for life. Knowledge is not a set commodity that is passed from the teachers to the students. Students must construct knowledge from knowledge they already possess. Teachers must learn how the students understand the world so that the teacher understands how the student can learn.
5)Theory of Transmission:
teaching is a political process. It must be a democratic process to avoid teaching authority dependence. The teacher must learn about (and from) the student so that knowledge can be constructed in ways that are meaningful to the student. The teachers must become learners and the learners must become teachers.
6)Theory of Society:
 Freire challenges the conventional assumption that there is equal opportunity in a democratic society. He asserts, often, that education is a political process. Schools become tools that are used by parents, business and the community to impose their values and beliefs. While no intentional harm is intended, this process often results in the oppression of less privileged persons.
7) Theory of Opportunity:
Freire's entire education career is based on his desire to provide greater opportunity for the poor and oppressed people of the world, but particularly in Brazil.
8)Theory of Consensus:
 Disagreement is normal and something to expect. Disagreement can be an impetus to reflection and a source of growth. The problem that Freire wants to address is when opinions and disagreements are suppressed in the name of control and authority


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Assignment 1A

1. My first name is Okamh
2. Im taking this class as a requirement to transfer for general education, im interested in learning different aspects of different cultural so I thought why not Latin america and the Caribean?
3. I live 15.8 miles from santa rosa junior college
4. Right off the top of my head i think carribean = pirates of the carribean! but besides that i think tropical and beaches but i know it is more then that so im interested in learning
5. this is all new to me i have never written a blog.
6. i live off my macbook and at my job i use computers 8 hours a day!
7. its been hectic but a my jan 20 2009 is a very special day were making history because of the inauguration.