Sunday, April 12, 2009

assignment 4B


This photo is of Cortes and La Malinche. The link to the photo is

The photo shows Cortes and La Malinche negiotating with the Aztecs. It is a known fact that La Malinche was an interpretor for Cortes during his talks with the Aztecs. The artwork depicts La Malinche intepretaing for Cortes. Also in the photo it seems the artist included the child of Cortes and La Malinche who is considered the first Mexican beause of his Spanish and Indian mixed blood. La Malinche was not only Cortes intepretor but also his mistress. The artist does not use much color which to me represents the New World that Cortes wanted to conquer and develop. I choose this artwork because I feel it provides a good depiction of how important La Malinche was to Cortes during his conquest. If you read enough about La Malinche this is the perfect picture that would come to mind to what La Malinche was all about. One thing about this artwork I'm curious about is what the animals are suppose to represent. In doing my research on La Malinche not one time did I come across anything significant about those animals.

The questions I have for this artwork, is what do the animals represent as well as how did the artist decide to choose the more earthy tones over the more colorful tones.

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