Monday, March 16, 2009


Pre-columbian:  The pre-Columbian era incorporates all period subdivisions in the history and prehistory of the Americas before the appearance of significant European influences on the American continents. While technically referring to the era before Christopher Columbus, in practice the term usually includes the history of American indigenous cultures as they continued to develop beyond the first Columbian landing in 1492, until they were conquered or significantly influenced by the Europeans' presence, even if this happened decades or even centuries after the initial landing. 

I chose to learn more about the aztecs because I've always been interested in their background and their beliefs, their culture is interesting to me, and they have such abstract and unique artwork, I've always heard some crazy stories about them but I want to look for myself if it is true. 

1) the aztecs would bury their dead family members that passed away under their own house

2) Blood was considered the "precious water" that god needed to be fed. they believed that the gods killed themselves and washed their blood on earth and offered their hards to the sun. This was the reason why the aztecs sacrificed often.

3) When Aztec warriors run out of food they eat their dead enemies, but an aztec warrior would never eat a dead conrad but a dead enemy was okay. 

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