Monday, April 27, 2009
Assignment 5A
4. I choose the topic of the Virgin of Guadalupe because I am fasicanted by any subject that is on religon.
5. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is often seen as a coded image. At times her image is described as teh Woman of the Apocalypse because her image shows she is arrayed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. Others say her images represents the Immaculate Conception. There are many interpretations to her image. The blue green mantle is said to be the color once resereved for the divine couple Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, her belt is intepreted as a sign of pregnancy, and the cross shapred image symbolizes the cosmos.
The Virgin of Guadalupe is a Symbol of Mexico. She has been a symbol of Mexico since Mexico's War of Independence. Her first major nationalistic symbol came in the writing of Miguel Sanchez the author of the first Spanish apparition account identified Guadalupe as the Woman of the Apocalypse and stated "this New World has been won and conquered by the hand of the Virgin Mary...[who had] prepared, disposed, and contrived her exquisite likeness in this her Mexican land, which was conquered for such a glorious purpose, won that there should appear so Mexican an image". Guadalupe's feast day which is December 12 was inscribed into the Chilpancingo constitution and was made the seal of the Congress of Chilpancingo by a priest named Jose Morelos who took over the revolution when Miguel Hidalgo died.
The Virgin of Guadalupe is the patron of Spain. On May 25, 1754 Pope Benedict XIV declared her as the patron of Spain. In 1910 Pope Saint Pius X proclaimed her patron of Latin America and later in 1935 by Pope Pius XI she was proclaimed principal patron of the Philippines. All cross Latin America and even in the Philippines you can find people that are deeply devoted to the Virgin of Guadalupe. On July 31 2002 she was named patron of Americas by Pope John Paul II.
6. The sources used are wikipedia and google. These sources are credible because a lot of students use these sites for research. Also wikipedia has a lot of facts which could be verified through google search.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Assignemt 4C
While researching the word "culture" I came up with a few definitions:
*Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.
*Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.
*Culture is communication, communication is culture.
*Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a person's learned, accumulated experience which is socially transmitted, or more briefly, behavior through social learning.
*A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
*Culture is symbolic communication. Some of its symbols include a group's skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, and motives. The meanings of the symbols are learned and deliberately perpetuated in a society through its institutions.
*Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other hand, as conditioning influences upon further action.
*Culture is the sum of total of the learned behavior of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation.
*Culture is a collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another.
I gathered my resources from and
I believe that the world culture ties into everything that we have learned. Learning about Paulo Friere as well as all arts and cultures about Latin America and learning the differentiations between the incas, myas, and aztecs all have to do with culture, we learned about their lifestyles, their artwork, their beliefs, which all ties into culture.
Project 3A Adam J Chaffee:
Adam did a great job i learned alot about the myans especially that Mayans had a very advanced hieroglyphic writing system similar to the Egyptians. Many of the recovered texts have been unreadable, but today most of the remaining writings have been translated. Not all the Mayan people were literate, and many artifacts have been discovered that are almost written in complete gibberish. The Mayan written language is the only known language shared by a community in the pre Columbian period
Project 4A Brittany Hardison:
Brittany did a really wonderful job on this assigment she did the same artwork i did which is La Malinche. We both thought it was interesting to learn about a female role model although we learned the same things, she made a good point that i didnt get a chance to read therefore i learned that The house that La Malinche lived in over 500 years ago still stands in the neighborhood of Coyoacan. The house is presently occupied by a couple who are both prominent artists and they use the house as their studio. The couple would like to turn the house into a museum in an effort to conserve Mexican history. This may not be possible because of the resentment still felt towards La Malinche by the people of Mexico.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
assignment 4B
This photo is of Cortes and La Malinche. The link to the photo is
The photo shows Cortes and La Malinche negiotating with the Aztecs. It is a known fact that La Malinche was an interpretor for Cortes during his talks with the Aztecs. The artwork depicts La Malinche intepretaing for Cortes. Also in the photo it seems the artist included the child of Cortes and La Malinche who is considered the first Mexican beause of his Spanish and Indian mixed blood. La Malinche was not only Cortes intepretor but also his mistress. The artist does not use much color which to me represents the New World that Cortes wanted to conquer and develop. I choose this artwork because I feel it provides a good depiction of how important La Malinche was to Cortes during his conquest. If you read enough about La Malinche this is the perfect picture that would come to mind to what La Malinche was all about. One thing about this artwork I'm curious about is what the animals are suppose to represent. In doing my research on La Malinche not one time did I come across anything significant about those animals.
The questions I have for this artwork, is what do the animals represent as well as how did the artist decide to choose the more earthy tones over the more colorful tones.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Assignment 4A
I choose the topic of La Malinche beacause after watching the videos on youtube and reading about her on I found that she was an unsung hero of Mexico who is at times downplayed by the Mexican male historians. She was very interesting and I wanted to learn more about her.
La Malinche's real name is Dona Marina. She was named La Malinche by the Indians due her being the voice of New Spain conquerer Hernando Cortes. Cortes was always called Malinche which means Captain and since Marina had a close relationship to Cortes she was called La Malinche which stood for Captain's Woman. Anytime she spoke the Indians would recongize her as words coming from the Captain himself.
La Malinches has had injustice done to her because historians do not credit her for saving the lives of thousands of Indians by enabling Cortes to negotiate and not go to major war with all who opposed him. The fact she was able to get Cortes to negoitate rather than go to war was evidence enough Cortes was not out to destroy the Aztecs. The discredit and belittelement of La Malinche in Mexico history comes from mostly male historians.
To Hernando Cortes La Malinche was his interpreter,confidant, and mistress. It was said she and Cortes had a child together. Their child's name was Matin Cortes and he was the first Mexican, a mixture of Spanish and Indian blood. La Malinche role as an intepreter was an important role because it allowed Cortes to coomunicate with the Aztecs during his conquest. That also allowed for negiotations between Cortes and the Aztecs.
Two sources of my work is from youtube and also These two sources are credible because the information is based of actual facts from authors who were supposedly eye-wtinesses to La Malinche.